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The ADAB solution will create the world's first Islamic crypto exchange

Islam is a unique religion, especially because financial relations under Sharia are clearly regulated and have a number of serious requirements and restrictions.
Islamic finance is alternatively called ethical finance and this is a truly fair name. According to Sharia law, a Muslim should not give money to grow (to earn interest), invest in prohibited activities (gambling, production of illicit products), participate in transactions with excessive uncertainty.
Muslims obey this requirement; therefore they are wary of unverified investment methods such as cryptocurrency. Many cryptocurrency clearly have characteristics that are prohibited for Muslims. Therefore, to avoid violating Sharia provisions, Muslims move away from investing in these assets.
In the world there are at least 50 million cryptocurrency users and among them only a small percentage are represented by 1.8 billion Muslims living on this planet.
Islamic finance is basically a partnership between clients and financial organizations, which facilitates honest, transparent and reliable business relations based on Islamic culture, ethics and principles.
At the heart of blockchain technology is also the maintenance of honesty and transparency - a feature that is indispensable for the modern world, but, unfortunately, the rapid development of this industry has led to a paradox - the cryptocurrency market attracts a large number of fraudsters and, instead of cleanliness and transparency, market participants get fraud and markets shadow.
Of course, on the other hand, talented and good people receive extraordinary opportunities to translate their ideas, and their efforts inspire further market development. This development was determined not only by regulation, accumulated experience and the beginning of large-scale commercial use of the technology developed, but also by setting high moral and ethical standards in doing business in this industry.
One must believe that cryptocurrency is honest, reliable and safe.
And in this case we see a great opportunity for the market to use simple and clear principles of Islamic honesty.
Now no company offers a comprehensive solution for crypto Islamic investment. We intend to solve this problem.
Our clients and investors who use our services will be confident that their actions are fully consistent with Islamic principles, which will be confirmed not only by the opinions of our Advisory Board, but also by other expert opinions and public opinions.
Our idea is not just to create a company; this is an effort to set new ethical standards in business management in industry.
Adab - behavior that is determined by Sharia norms, including good behavior, standards of politeness, politeness and humanity.
"Monotheism calls for faith." Faith calls for obedience to the canon. Kanon requires someone to be raised. People who have no courtesy are far from canon, faith, and monotheism. "
"Decency is strict adherence to what decorates actions and activities."
Our company name ADAB Solutions is a big responsibility. Adab is a way of life in Islam, which we consider not only natural in everyday life, but a foundation of a mandatory business relationship.
We will create the world's first crypto exchange, which is in accordance with Sharia law. FICE will be a universal solution for the involvement of Muslims and users of Islamic finance in the cryptocurrency market. Exchange will function in accordance with Islamic principles, but it is truly open to all users, regardless of religion.
One of the most important features of our project is the company's management in accordance with the Islamic management model, which complements the generally accepted business management standards.
But the most important difference lies in the fact that in our company one of the most important management bodies and decision-making centers is lured by the Sharia Financial Board (Sharia Advisory Board).
All of this will contribute to the fact that our company will provide high-quality information and services to the Muslim community about the cryptocurrency market, will carry out explanatory missions, facilitate the involvement of the Muslim community in the cryptocurrency market.


Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1523539;sa=forumProfile

ETH : 0xbfe67800ABAA921C1425a6FB9CB4DF0979d40f82


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